There are many different stories about the true origins of salsa. Throughout the years various kinds of salsa dancing styles have surfaced though the dance combinations within these numerous dance styles are quite similar.

Salsa Libre combines this variety of dance styles with an emphasis on L.A. style. For Salsa Libre the emphasis lies in the fact that students learn to dance from out their sense which is the key component in dancing.

The Salsa Libre courses are practice oriented in order for you to be able to enjoy dancing as quickly as possible.

Repetition is a core part of the course so that once the 10 lessons have finished you are easily able to remember all the salsa dance combinations and moves that you have learned during the entire course.
Only a few ‘shines’ (solo dance move combinations) are taught as these are not often used at salsa events and/or parties yet can add extra sparkle to your dancing when on the dance floor.

The dance combinations taught are not too complicated and in themselves can be combined, allowing you to be able to dance with anyone, not just with people who have followed the same course.
Nor are they too long so you can enjoy dancing instead of having to focus too much on the dance combination itself.

Salsa Partys

At Salsa Libre parties, you are offered to take part in workshops on a regular basis. These workshops are taught by the best instructors in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. During these workshops you can try out different styles of salsa that others use or discover new types of dance styles like Bachata, Kizomba, Zouk etc …